Nouveau Systems
Company FAQs
When was the company founded?
Nouveau Systems was founded in 1999 as a California corporation.
Where is the company's headquarters?
Nouveau Systems corporate headquarters in in Santa Clara, California. Click here for contact information and directions.
What is Nouveau Systems' primary market?
Nouveau Systems focuses on markets and industries whose success depends on technical innovation. Our primary customers within these markets and industries are research and development (R&D) groups who are responsible for creating technical innovations and delivering them to their organizations and customers.
What kinds of industries do Nouveau Systems products serve?
Nouveau Systems software infrastructure and applications serve a wide range of industries, including biotech, bioinformatics, chemical, computer, electronics, petrolium, pharmaceuticals, software, and test and measurement. Click here for information on our industry focus.
Does the company sell products outside the United States?
Nouveau Systems sells products world-wide. Click here for information on export requirements and restrictions to certain countries.
What career opportunities are available?
Nouveau Systems is always looking for talented individuals in areas such as software development, business develoment, product marketing, and sales. We are especaially those who have worked in, sold to, or are very familiar the operation of R&D organizations. Click here for information on career opportunities.